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How long do I get to keep my rental items?

Our party rental rates are meant to cover one use, or one event. Within reason, you may keep the items as long as necessary to make the transaction easy for you, generally up to three days. We call this an “event rental rate”. If you use the items more than once, we will charge you accordingly. 

Do I need to leave a deposit?

Taylor Rental collects a $50 to $100 security deposit, depending on the total amount of the order. Items sensitive to cleaning or damage may be subject to a separate deposit. The exceptions include:

Barbeque grills - We collect a $30 deposit over and above the rental. Most customers elect not to clean these grills before they are returned, so we keep the deposit to cover the cost of cleaning and in the case of gas grills, the cost of gas.

Wooden arches and gazebos – We collect a $200 deposit to cover the cost of damage to these items. The customer is responsible for the cost of all damage to these items for the entire time they are out of our possession. Since they are interior furniture, they are frequently damaged during use or by weather during the rental. We forfeit the entire deposit if damage occurs, since these items are typically not repairable and pieces for them cannot be acquired economically. 

What is damage waiver?

Damage waiver is a fee that is collected to offset the costs of accidental damage to items during the customer's possession. It is not offered or collected on linens, tents, or some damage-sensitive items like wooden arches.

Damage waiver is collected on all items for which it is offered, at a rate of 10% of the rental rate and is not subject to state sales tax. 

Do you deliver?

We will deliver any party rental item to you according to the following fee schedule:


Zone 1: Inside a box bordered by the ICW to the west, University Parkway to the south, the Manatee River to the north, and Lorraine Road to the east we charge $40 for the transportation of your items back and forth to the site during normal business hours. These charges cover transportation costs only, and do not cover setup of the items.


Zone 2: Outside of Zone 1, deliveries to the barrier islands to the west, including Anna Maria Island, Longboat Key, Lido Key, and Manatee County between the Manatee River and the southern edge of Tampa Bay, we charge $50


We deliver to Siesta Key for $80.


We deliver to eastern Manatee and Sarasota counties for an additional charge. You can view a map during the quote request process to determine the appropriate fee. We generally do not deliver orders under $500 outside of Zones 1 and 2. 

Do you set up my items?

Set-up of tents, stages, and dance floor are included in the rental rate. Other items are generally set up by the customer or the caterer. We will set up tables and chairs for an additional fee, provided the service is ordered and paid for at time of reservation:


Tables (set up and take down): $1.50 per table 
Chairs (set up and take down): 50¢ per chair


If there is a caterer or banquet facility involved in your event, you should discuss the set-up of your items so that there is a clear understanding of this process prior to the set-up of your event. 

Can I choose a delivery and pickup time?

The high costs of operating our truck fleet demand that we offer tailgate delivery with multiple deliveries on a truckload. Since we have multiple deliveries on a truck we let you choose between morning and afternoon delivery:


Morning: sometime between 9 AM and Noon —the precise time at our choosing. (Our driver will call you before the delivery and/or pickup if you ask us to do so). 

Afternoon: sometime between Noon and when we are finished for the day, which may be 10 PM at night on extremely busy days. 


Can my order be picked up at night after the event?

We will happily pickup or deliver your items any time after our normal business hours for an additional charge. Generally this fee is calculated according to the number of man-hours required to send a truck round trip on a special trip to accomplish the mission. 

What are your normal business hours? 

During the months of October thru May: 
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM – Monday thru Friday 
8:00 AM to 3:00 PM – Saturday 

During the months of June thru September: 
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM – Monday thru Friday 
8:00 AM to 1:00 PM - Saturday 

What is your reservation policy? 

We generally collect a deposit of 50% of the estimated total charges at the time of reservation. This deposit is totally refunded if the order is cancelled 72 hours or more prior to the scheduled delivery time.

Heaters and bouncers may not be cancelled after the reservation is made for any reason. 

What is your policy regarding weather cancellation? 

We do not allow cancellation for any reason within 72 hours of the scheduled rental, without a cancellation penalty of up to 100% of the rental. 

© 2014 by Sarasota Chair Rentals & Sarasota Table Rentals. 

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